Thursday, March 23, 2023

Opus EHR names David Adair as Clinician of the Month

Opus EHR names David Adair, a clinician at CARE Counseling, as Clinician of the Month

David Adair, a Mental Health Professional at CARE Counseling of Minnesota, has been selected by his team as the clinician of the month by Opus EHR, and we couldn’t agree more! He has worked in Mental Health for about five years and has been practicing individual therapy for the past two years.

He is celebrated by management and the team for his enthusiasm in the field, recognizing his warm and calming presence, which helps both team members and clients feel at ease.

At CARE Counseling, he is known to be precise and thorough, and he has a great sense of humor, where his team finds him a pleasure to work with. A coworker adds, “David brings a sense of curiosity, openness, compassion, and self-awareness to his practice. He is a much-beloved colleague at the Clifton office and always takes time to connect and make others feel welcome.” – Meg Spires.

David shares a story about a time when he helped a patient, “I once had a client who told me they had seen many therapists and had not felt adequately heard or understood in past therapy experiences and was doubtful that therapy could be helpful for them. After a certain point in working with me, the client remarked that working with me had helped renew their belief in the usefulness of psychotherapy. They had become convinced it was possible to feel heard and understood.”

In his personal life, David tries to keep awe of the natural world close at hand and bring that sensibility into therapy when it seems useful.

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