Friday, April 17, 2020


Kid strategy of the week:

  • Holding on and Letting Go: Have the child trace each one of their hands.  In one hand (or just use the fingers if you want less prompts) write what the child has control over.  You can write a list draw pictures, or a combination of both. In the other hand write what the child doesn’t have control over and needs to “let go”.  Again – use words, pictures, or a combination. For further deepening you could have the child separate the page and “destroy” what needs to be let go. That could be ripping it up, crumpling it, throwing it in the garbage, etc.  Supplies: Paper and crayons, markers, or colored pencils.

Source: Ann Meehan, Meehan Mental Health (

  • Sample Progress Note: The focus of the session was to (tailor based on tx plan). The therapist engaged the client in an art therapy activity (Holding On/Letting Go Hands) to help the Ct identify what they have control over and what they want to let go of. The Ct noted that they wanted to hold onto (list a few items) and let go of (list a few items).

Couples strategy of the week:

  • Sound Relationship House (see below): Link to explanations of each level of the House
  • Relationships, like houses, are built from the ground up. Now may be a good time for couples to get a Relationship House inspection and see which areas may need some extra support. Levels at the bottom are needed to support the levels above them.
  • Sample Progress Note
    • The focus of this session was (tailor to couple’s treatment plan). The therapist provided psycho-education about Gottman’s Sound Relationship House and helped the couple explore their relationship through this framework. The couple was able (somewhat able/struggled) to identify strengths and areas for growth in their relationship.

Adult strategy of the week:

  • Stress Exploration (
    • Right now, many of us are experiencing changes in what stressors we face on a day-to-day basis. It can be helpful to take some time to take inventory of what stressors are present, as well as what is helping us cope with the stressors.
  • Sample Progress Note
    • The focus of this session was to (tailor to ct.’s treatment plan). The therapist provided psycho-education and helped ct. explore current stressors and protective factors in their life. Ct. was able (somewhat able/struggled) to identify current stressors and protective factors, and they stated that the exploration was (helpful/not helpful/etc.)

Mindfulness/Meditation of the week:

Safe/Calm Space Guided Imagery:

This guided imagery helps you visualize and visit your own personal special place in your mind’s eye. As you walk through this guided imagery you can experience the calmness and security you feel in this place. You can then focus your mind’s eye on visiting this safe place and returning to those calm, safe feelings whenever it is helpful in your life.

 1. Find a comfortable position where you can relax and breathe easily.

 2. Start by noticing your breathing. Focus on filling the belly when you inhale and notice it empty on your exhale. Scan your body. While continuing to focus on your breathing, allow any tension or discomfort to dissolve with your next few exhales. 

3. While you continue to breathe, allow your mind to take you to a safe, comfortable, place. Just allow this to happen. The place may be familiar or new. If you see or hear something that makes you uncomfortable, just go ahead and change the image. 

4. When you find this special place, take a few moments to notice what you see. Look around, are you inside or out? What surrounds you?

 5. Also notice what you hear. If you’re outside, notice if you hear water or animals. If you’re inside, notice what sounds are in this place.

 6. Now, take a moment and notice how this place feels. Is it warm or cool? What kind of surface are you sitting or lying on? What are the textures of the clothes you are wearing? How does your body feel in this place?

 7. Take a moment to notice if there are any tastes and smells in this place. Perhaps there is the smell of grass if you’re outdoors or something cooking if you’re indoors.

 8. Now, take a few moments and just be totally present in this safe place, noticing all of your senses. Just be in whatever way is comfortable for you. As you are in this place, notice that something that was hidden before catches your attention. It could be a sound, image, object or feeling. This is a special gift that you use whenever you need to feel relaxed and safe.

 9. Remember that this is a place you can visit whenever you need to feel safe. All you need to do is take a few deep breaths and think about this place. 

10. Begin to become aware of the surface you are sitting or lying on, notice your breathing returning to normal, and open your eyes whenever you are ready.

Source: Change to Chill

Sample Progress Note: The focus of the session was to (tailor based on tx plan). The therapist led the client in a guided mindfulness activity to create a safe/calm space. The client that they found this activity to be (helpful/thought-provoking/boring/calming). 

The post WEEKLY INTERVENTION IDEAS: APRIL 20TH EDITION appeared first on Care Counseling : Minneapolis Therapists.


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